Zou het niet handig zijn dat er een centrale plek komt waar de OdM fans hun informatie en vragen kunnen delen met elkaar. Waar zou dat het beste ondergebracht kunnen worden?
Samen met Luc Teunen uitgever van het Oog Des Meesters editie 5, Achim “persvoorlichter” van LT-Publications en Thomas Stolz admin, eigenaar en creator van de beroemde website Orkenspalter probeer ik antwoord te krijgen op die vraag.
Achim: Er is gekozen voor een officiële samenwerking met LT-publications-OdM en Orkenspalter.
Omdat Thomas geen Nederlands spreekt gaan we over in het Engels
Enisoor: What are the benefits for the fans for this cooperation?
Luc: There are some:
- the community gets a platform where the can ask questions, put their own stuff, talk with each other, and so on.
- the Dutch community gets a place between the bigger communities, so you can look around and see what happens at Ulisses and so on.
- for the company (LTPUB) the corporation makes things less time-consuming and because Orkenspalter is seen as the official forum for DSA, being a part of the big Orkenspalter family makes everything more official and reliable.
- we get also some space to put files and other stuff on the forum, so this will be another space where people will be able to get the quick starter, hero documents and so on.
- it will be possible to build bridges between the six communities of TDE: German, Dutch, English, French, Spanish and Italian.
Thomas: I can confirm the arguments of Luc, also we’re preparing the user experience in the language you choose.
Orkenspalter is about 20 years continuous in the scene and supporting the German TDE/DSA community – and now also the FR/En/NL parts of it.
There are also possibilities to get free adventures, downloads, maps. There’s a free chat (text, voice, videos), a calendar and news by our private TV team- making videos in German, Englisch.
Enisoor: When can the OdM fans use the Dutch-language interface on the Orkenspalter forum?
Achim: You already can! In the top right corner, there are four icons. The left one is a little man in a circle.
Click there, then go to Einstellungen, Allgemein. There you can chose the language.
Mind you, the Dutch language is still a work in progress. We’re working very hard to get everything translated as soon as possible.
Enisoor: So you can put your own handouts and adventures on this Forum?
Thomas: Of course you can upload your own content, if you respect the copyright. To have a better start from the Dutch side, there are two quicklinks to enter. For new users, not loggen in. To enter the main page with a Dutch interface use https://www.orkenspalter.de/
Enisoor: Thomas, Achim and Luc, thank you for you’re time and answers. May the Dutch OdM community grow for this splendid RPG.
Thomas: I will do my best to support this also in the following 20 years.
hetoogdesmeesters.com fansite fantasy- rollenspel Nederlandse editie
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